Heart Healthy Tips for the Elderly

As we age, it is even more important to pay attention to what we put inside our bodies. Everyone wants to age gracefully, but most importantly healthily.

Many elderly have concerns about their health, from their vision to their bones. Eating right and including diet and exercise are important to all of us throughout our lives. While exercise may be constricted due to frailness or ability for the elderly, some simple routines can help.

The most important thing for an older person to do when it comes to having a healthy heart, however, is to check with his or her doctor. Some green, leafy vegetables are known to interfere with certain heart medications. Always check with your doctor before beginning any regimen or changing your diet.

The best way to keep your heart healthy is to remember it in your daily routines. By keeping your body healthy, you will keep your heart healthy. In addition, by keeping your mind healthy too, you will have a body that is healthy inside and out.

The Body and Mind Connection

For many seniors, isolation plays a big role in their lives. It does not have to be that way, however. Keeping active also means keeping connected. There are so many functions for seniors; there is no reason to be alone. You can find groups in many places:

* Your local place of worship
* Senior citizen centers
* Veterans clubs
* Libraries
* The internet

Activities abound for seniors as well, so that there should never be a loss for things to do and see:

* Organized museum trips
* Sporting events
* Concerts, plays, and shows
* Bus trips to various locales

Walking in fresh air is also an excellent way to keep heart healthy. There are companions who will come visit the elderly and walk with them if a doctor says that walking is acceptable.

Another great way to keep your heart going is to use your mind through the form of crossword puzzles and the like. Crossword puzzles and board games keep the mind sharp, which then, in turn, can keep the body on its toes.

Food for Thought and Food for the Heart

Some of the foods that keep a senior’s heart healthy are the very ones that keep their minds healthy, as well. This is a double bonus. Of course, as with anything else, a senior should always consult their doctor before adding anything to their diet.

Some foods that keep your mind and body sharp and healthy are:

* High fiber foods
* Fresh fruits and vegetables
* Foods high in omega 3 such as nuts, seeds, beans, and fish

A little bit of exercise for the body and for the mind will go a long way for a senior who needs to look after their heart, and keep fit and healthy.

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